Getting Started with mongoDB

Muhammad Zain Tariq
3 min readDec 18, 2020


Step by Step guide to install mongoDB on window’s


In this Blog, You will Learn

  • What is mongoDB?
  • Setup and installation of mongoDB.

What is mongoDB?

MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing. It is a schema less or NoSQL database. NoSQL database means that we can store different documents having different schema inside a same collection.

Difference in SQL database and mongoDB is that sql tables are called collections in mongoDB and records in sql is called documents

Setup and installation of mongoDB.

For installing mongoDB we will follow the following steps

Step 1.

first move to mongoDB where we will select Software->Community Server as shown in figure 1.

figure 1.

Step 2.

After redirecting to community server page will select our version for mongoDB(mongoDB 4.4 and onward will only work for windows 10) and platform after this press Download button as shown in figure 2.

figure 2.

Step 3.

Now .msi file will download and press that file for installing Process.

Press Next as shown in figure 3.

figure 3.

Step 4.

Now checked the box for accepting agreement terms and Press Next. as shown in figure 4.

figure 4.

Step 5.

Now Press Complete as shown in figure 5.

figure 5.

Step 6.

Again Press Next and checked the box for installing MongoDB Compass as shown in figure 6.

figure 6.

Step 7.

Press Install

Press Finish and Hurry mongoDB is installed now for confirming that installation is Completed successfully we will following steps.

Step 8.

Create a path variable in environement

first we will create a path variable in environment For this, search Environment variable in your pc and set path as following:

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin

for this open control panel->System security->System->Advanced System settings and than select environment variable as shown below

now we will select NEw option a box will appear enter variable name as PATH and this path C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin as variable value as shown in figure.

Now press OK you will see a PATH variable is shown in the below figure

Hurry ! we have created a environment variable .

Run mongoDB on Terminal

Now just open your terminal and enter mongo than your mongoDB will run on terminal.

mongoDB starts


Congratulations! we have successfully setup your system with mongoDB and run it on terminal.

if you like my Blog then follow me for more upcoming blog on mongoDB and if you want to contact with me that connect with me on LinkedIn.



Muhammad Zain Tariq
Muhammad Zain Tariq

Written by Muhammad Zain Tariq

Full Stack developer |MERN | Software Engineer

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